Saturday, December 18, 2010


can't believe how time flies.
my guy is 17 today.  
seems like only yesterday my firstborn came into this world.
birthday presents yay!
we did family birthday lunch instead of dinner
because he had to work.
and compliments of our favorite sushi chef jackie
was the yummy and beautifully created heart sushi pictured above.
and before scurrying off to work his friend dropped off 
a birthday brownie cake!

ahhhh...what a blessing he has been!
happy birthday...son!
day 352 flickr project365

1 comment:

Debra said...

Greetings Alely!
I just discovered your lovely site and have been richly blessed by these sweet photos of your family.
I'm now following you on Google, and will be back for sure.
Hope you'll swing by and visit me too.
I love company!